Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Leisure Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Leisure Industry - Essay ExampleThese are usually the amusement parks or theme parks such as Disneyland, casinos, Spas, entertainment and recreation, health clubs, restaurants and other activities that involve recreations (Leisure Industry Definition).The continuous influx of customers in vacuous time areas and the increase offset of the industry in United Kingdom can be attributed to the following reasons there has been increased time in the leisure time of the employees. They are compulsory with lesser time in the office therefore increasing their time in leisure. Another reason is that employees have higher incomes thus they can wage for leisure activities from their extra money and spend to whatever leisure activities they want to engage with. Thirdly is the cheaper and more affordable transport. This makes the travel time lesser and expiry to more places during their holidays and vacations especially outside the city. And lastly, customers have the wider choice in leisur e activities since the government is trying to put different leisure activities from all sectors (Leisure Industry Definition). The eonian growth benefited not only the companies but the government as well. The increasing demand meant increase in investment and revenues and employment industry.Alongside with the demanding nature of the leisure activities there had been increase in employment and job orders in the country. More and more job seekers prefer this sympathetic of work because they get to be remunerative while enjoying what they wanted to do (Luque, 2002). This has lead also to increasing demand of courses and training in colleges. Based on the reports of the bestow of Sport and Leisure Management, The Institute of Sport and Recreation Management, The Fitness Industry Association and Sport England there are 1,000 students enrolled in leisure management or related courses that tackle this kind of industry. It was seen that the leisure industries involve a wide range of employees including permanent and seasonal paid staff, freelance workers, consultants and volunteers. It ranges from cook, hotel attendant, driver, tourist guide, sports analyst and trainer and among others who are connected to this leisure industry. As a result, there had been increase in the diversity of the labor force especially with this kind of industry. Since the employees come from different life experiences they construe things in different manners. This should be taken in action with the management aggroup in order to guide the employees and make the company more competitive with other booming companies all over the world (Treven, 2000). Every person has the unique skills and capabilities as an individual. Working in a different environment with different population of different perspectives in life and dealing everyday with people of diverse culture can be stressing but this can be avoided if the management team of a particular company will address to this problem immed iately. A skilled manager will be responsible in making a team work so that there will not be a difficulty in dealing with different types of persons in the workplace (Treven, 2004). The increasing competition of companies and influx of customers in a leisure industry developed strategies for managers to be highly competitive with others. One of the managers of UKs BT Global services said that there had been a slight decrease in the number of visitors and travelers in UK after the bombings but they had made their way to attract

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