Sunday, April 21, 2019

Ritz Carlton Case Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ritz Carlton Case Studies - undertake ExampleIn Malaysia, McBride, the general manager, introduced the practice of extending a welcome to passengers at the airport by large discount coupons and mimosas, amongst others, not to mention the presence of a fully furnished room of Ritz-Carlton in the airport. entirely these were totally novel and unique concepts of marketing that go on to fortify the hotels image as a leader in the realm of customer care. (1)Another vital factor contributing towards the hotels success story is the tremendous amount of importance that is accorded to people associated it both employees and also the customers. The consistent fruit of any organization is heavily dependent on the manner in which the people associated with it are treated. This in truth factor is all the more relevant for entities operating in the sphere of hospitality. It is the firm conviction of Ritz-Carlton that when a customer stays in its premises, for the entire duration, the hotel is the home for them. Hence, the hotels 7 Day Countdown Orientation schedule for impertinently recruits is predominantly aimed at making them fully understand the relevance of this concept. One of the first precepts communicated to the new employees is We all are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen. This speaks volumes about the friendly and amicable treatment that Ritz-Carlton gives to its employees. Additionally, it is in this very companionable atmosphere that the skills of the employees are honed, ensuring that they run the extra mile in addressing the all-important aspect of customer service. furthermost but not the least, the various things inclusive in the orientation program such as The Credo, The Employee shout out and The Twenty Basics, to cite a few, go a long way in making certain(p) that employee efficiency would invariably lead to customer satisfaction. (1)At this juncture, it would be worthwhile to understand as to what in reality is being sold by Ri tz-Carlton. The answer to that resulting from a mere

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